Anmol Radio Hindi Songs Uncategorised

Hindi Film Songs without Percussion Instruments

Dear all
Saptsur Melody Presents
Songs with non percussion ( no Mebranophones).
16 great music directors from Pankaj Malik to Usha Khanna.

Some of the most popular songs of the Golden era (mostly 50s and 60s) do not have any percussion instrument. Yes, you read that right. There are no percussion instruments in some of the most popular songs. In short, these hugely popular songs have Nothing but melody.
After some reflection, you may think that the songs that do not have percussion are sad, slow songs. The songs that are Nothing but melody are not necessarily slow, sad songs. There are some bright, cheerful songs as well that have Nothing but melody.
Enjoy and best regards
Harishchandra, Dilip, Ravindra and Sanjay

By admin (Gajendra Khanna)

Founder and Administrator.,,,
He's a Bangalore based Music and Technology enthusiast. is his upcoming website.

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